Sunday, January 18, 2009

*I splurged on a good UKE!

Happy Sunday & what a glorious one it was! The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, and today was the first day in the New Year that I finally got it all to myself. I started off by going to the gym, then went to meet up some friends at a Greek restaurant.

Afterwards, they came along as I went to Rock'n Robin to pick out a ukulele! (Rock'n Robin---the music store, not Red Robin---the restaurant.) I was a little sporadic in the store because I couldn't contain my excitement! I have been longing to buy a ukulele and I finally got the guts to go out and buy one! I found some Uke's that were 'across the board' Uke's, meaning they were pretty much a standard make but when I turned around and the salesman showed me a soprano, koa wood Ukulele...I think angels came out of no where and sang for me... I mean even if the angels came out and farted, I STILL would've thought this Ukulele was by far the most gorgeous sounding piece of thing I'd ever heard!!!

So I swiped my Hello Kitty debit card and bought the dang thing. (Do you like my Texas twang?!) It was pretty pricey, but worth every penny. Every time I hear a Uke being played, I can't help but to smile. It is simply a gorgeous sounding instrument.

I was so excited I walked out of the store and yelled, "I just bought a Ukulele!! WHooOooo!" I high-fived my friends and then I posed with it outside of the store... lol!

We then went downtown to the park... It was a nice little Sunday. Definitely one of 'those' Sundays that didn't go by too fast or too slow.



Saturday, January 17, 2009

*How many Asians can you fit into a Bar/Lounge?

Very interesting Friday night, people!

I started my Friday night by getting off work at 4pm. From there I went straight to Barnes & Noble to buy cupcakes for my friends' 24th birthday party. It should be noted here that I love Barnes & Noble. I like reading/learning new things & I guess it's because there is an inside joke between myself & a good friend about a guy that works there. All you need to know is that my friend suggests all the time that I imagine myself and this "Barnes & Noble employee" rolling around on top of books with pages flying... LOL! Hey I'm not denying that I don't imagine that but this is NOT the highlight of my night!

From there I rush home to get all 'done' up (slang doesn't suit me well) for the nights' events. I curled my hair and I brought out my red heels and drove to her boyfriends' house where we'd meet her friend and all carpool together to the restaurant of her choice.

The birthday girl is a friend I haven't seen in maybe five or six years! Well, the restaurant of choice was P.F. Changs, but because the wait was an hour & a half, we drove down to RA Sushi and waited also, an hour and a half! LOL!

After dinner is where crazy stuff happened. As in... we went to Belvedere bar/lounge in uptown park by the Galleria, and I never go there unless its to do promotions for my night job. Well... who knew Belvedere hosted "Asian Night" on Friday's?!?!? NOT ME! I swear I've never been surrounded by THAT MANY ASIANS before! Like... in one room, all around my age! And it was funny because I knew some people, especially this guy that use to live in my old subdivision whose Aunt bought our home.

It's a small world.

Well, I met some nice people and I danced & I laughed all night long. It was a lot of fun. I got to think about a lot of things on the side and when I drove home, it got me thinking about a lot of things that have happened in my 'relationship' department. I'm not sure what it is about late night driving that gets the brain's juices flowing...especially in the love/hate memory department. I think it was the kind of drive home that I needed to think things through. The point is... i've said it many times now, but I finally believe that everything will be okay for me. Now.

I guess that's what liberation is like. Bittersweet.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dear 2008... Good F*cking Riddance!

Happy January 2009 Everybody!

The pictures above are a few from my New Years' Eve celebration in Austin, Texas!

I'm happy to report that it's a new year. However, some sad things from 2008 have tied over towards my new year...

First off, i'd like to say that this blog is for me to work things out, and for you to sit back and read-a-long. If you like.

Seeing as how this is the first blog i've ever done and I may possibly have comments or feedback from some of you... I guess i'll tell you a little about myself.

I've just turned 24 and I ended last year in an emotional-rut. I have had to change a lot of things in my life that I didn't want to and I espiecially had to say good-bye to people who I didn't want to erase out of my life... but I did also, have a lot of poeple that not only needed to be erased, but maybe dragged by an eighteen wheeler, and then burned at the stake. Okay, okay... I graduated college a year ago and I have a Bachelor's in Mass Communication, and a minor in marketing. I've interned at a few places and currently work for a marketing promotions company (at night), and at a bank (during the day). I reside in Texas and never have I felt more liberated than NOW.

Anyway... a few things have plagued me in starting the new year off on a good note. However, I have sorted a lot of things out and hope for the best. I hope that you enjoy my blog and leave comments if you like.
